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Sports Broadcast

This is a recorded radio broadcast of most of the 1968-69 regular season basketball game between Messick and Christian Brothers High School. It comes in several minutes into the first half and ends about a minute before the finish. The halftime show is an interview with Coach Neil Cordell about Messick's prospects in the upcoming baseball season.

The announcer is Hall of Fame sportscaster Jack Eaton.

Sound quality is very poor but understandable. (Remember this is a 1969 radio broadcast copied from reel-to-reel and then minicassette before it was converted to digital format.)

Left click on the Messick basketball logo to listen to the game in streaming format. It should open a new window or tab with a small media player, and you can listen to the game as it downloads. (If you have a dialup connection there will be long pauses as the download progresses.)

Right click on the image and choose "Save Link Target As" (in Firefox) or "Save Target As" (in Internet Explorer) to download the file to your own computer. The file is a little over 41 megabytes, so plan accordingly.

Thanks to Bruce Wilson for contributing this.

And in case you're wondering, Messick lost, 49-59. At least we had a winning season (16-9).