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What's New
- January 28, 2025: Memorial video & relevant pages revised
to reflect news of the death of Gary Nichols.
- January 21, 2025: Memorial video & relevant pages revised
to reflect news of the death of James Dale Green.
- November 11, 2024: Memorial video & relevant pages revised
to reflect news of the death of Chuck McColloch.
- February 22, 2024: Memorial video & relevant pages revised
to reflect news of the death of Jack Rowell.
- December 22, 2023: Memorial video & relevant pages revised
to reflect news of the death of Tommy May.
- October 27, 2023: Memorial video & relevant pages revised
to reflect news of the death of Billy Jaudon.
- April 26, 2023: Memorial video & relevant pages revised to
reflect news of the death of Joyce White.
- January 16, 2023: Memorial video & relevant pages revised
to reflect news of the death of Vicky Langston.
- August 10, 2022: Memorial video & relevant pages revised
to reflect news of the death of Mike Whitley.
- November 23, 2021: Memorial video & relevant pages revised
to reflect news of the death of Mike Younger.
- October 30, 2021: Memorial video & relevant pages revised
to reflect news of the death of Nancy Murchison (Jones).
- September 8, 2021: Memorial video & relevant pages revised
to reflect news of the death of Mary Bagwell (Radosky).
- January 6, 2021: Memorial video & relevant page revised to
reflect news of the death of Auddis Ward.
- September 20, 2020: Memorial video revised to reflect news of
the death of Barbara Watts.
- May 3, 2020: Memorial video & relevant page revised to
reflect news of the death of Gary Rogers. Also, redirect page
added to explain gallery crash until it can be corrected.
- April 19, 2019: Memorial video & relevant page revised to
reflect news of the deaths of Paul Cooper (1995) and Robert
Housam (2005).
- April 13, 2019: Updated received & posted for Harold
- March 25, 2019: Updates posted on Chris White & Virginia
Shettlesworth (Garrett) & David Garrett.
- February 17, 2019: 50th Reunion info posted.
- November 27, 2018: Memorial video and relevant pages revised
to reflect news of the death of Paula Camburn (Hammond).
- November 16, 2018: Update received & posted for Carolyn
- August 8, 2018: Memorial video and relevant pages revised to
reflect news of the death of Don May.
- May 28, 2018: Update to alert everyone to the upcoming 50th
- April 14, 2018: Update received & posted for James
- February 4, 2018: Memorial video and relevant pages revised to
reflect news of the death of Freda Smith (Lipford).
- October 14, 2017: Memorial video and relevant pages revised to
reflect news of the death of Terry Elam.
- July 10, 2017: Memorial video and relevant pages revised to
reflect news of the death of Jimmy Griffin.
- June 17, 2017: Memorial video and relevant pages revised to
reflect news of the death of Cassandra Wilson (Burns)
- March 16, 2017: Update received & posted for Dan Merrill.
- March 15, 2017: Memorial video and relevant pages revised to
reflect news of the death of Nancy Porch (Parnell)
- August 18, 2016: 1967 annual added for download.
- April 30, 2016: Memorial video and relevant pages revised to
reflect news of the death of Tommy Brister.
- February 1, 2016: Update received and posted on Paul Perry
- December 13, 2015: Memorial video and relevant pages revised
to reflect news of the death of Teri Strickland (Gravatt).
- October 24, 2015: New Gallery Added: Messick '69 at Glory
- October 2, 2015: Messick Fight Song (sheet music and audio
file) added to "Messick Music" page (contributed by David Ryan).
- July 13, 2015: Update received & posted on Don Yancey.
- June 24, 2015: Update received & posted on Marilyn Jo Fite
- June 18, 2015: Memorial video and relevant pages revised to
reflect news of the death of Joan Herring (Coffey).
- May 27, 2015: Memorial video and relevant pages revised to
reflect news of the death of Danny Downs.
- April 30, 2015: Update received & posted on Darrel Brock.
Picture of "Messick Wagon" added to the History page.
- April 26, 2015: Memorial video and relevant pages revised to
reflect news of the death of Rhonda Williams (Tolbert).
- April 15, 2015: Videos of 20th Reunion uploaded and linked in
for download.
- January 31, 2015: Entire website updated & corrected.
Galleries moved from "Zen" into "Piwigo". First update received
and posted from Blanche Capers (Lorentino).
- January 26, 2015: Memorial video and relevant pages revised to
reflect news of the death of Chloe Ann Canipe (Haneberg).
- January 5, 2015: Memorial video completely reworked and
uploaded. Corrections made to Cyberannual pages after doing
research for memorial video.
- December 2, 2014: Further updates to David Ryan's page.
- November 20, 2014: Update received & posted on David Ryan.
3 pictures of Senior Play added to "Messick Memories" album
(from Jenny Terry Earhart).
- November 10, 2014: Updates received & posted on Jackie
Hinely and Linda Williams. Galleries totally reconstructed in
ZenPhoto adding new pix of 45th reunion.
- November 1, 2014: Website and video updated to reflect the
death of Vicki Lynn Smith (Reeves).
- October 28, 2014: Update received & posted on Terry
- October 15, 2014: Website revised to reflect news of the death
of Jean Thweatt (Hand) on September 30.
- September 30, 2014: Update on Tommy May.
- September 28, 2014: Updates on Judy Walls (Luster), Virginia
& David Garrett. 45 th Reunion publicized on home page.
- September 2, 2014: Memorial video & relevant pages revised
to reflect the death of Jimmy Wayne "Jimi" Jamison.
- July 3, 2014: Memorial video revised upon learning of the
death of Betty Elaine Braddock (Gladding).
- May 21, 2014: Memorial video and Cyberannual updated to
reflect learning of the death of Gary McCarver (on 8/25/2001).
- May 19, 2014: New Gallery added: East TN Messick '69 Gathering
- April 21, 2014: Update posted on Don Yancey.
- April 4, 2014: New picture added to 10th Reunion gallery
(contributed by Bobby Hill).
- February 19, 2014: Updates posted on Mike Scott & Jimi
- December 10, 2013: Update received & posted on Cindy Dixon
- December 9, 2013: Memorial video & website revised to
reflect news of the death of Bobby Tucker.
- May 27, 2013: Update received & posted on Michael Kernell.
- May 23, 2013: Memorial video revised to reflect the news of
the death of Glenn Hand.
- April 28, 2013: New Gallery added: Messick '69 on Beale Street
- February 6, 2013: Update received & posted on Ralph
- January 14, 2013: Memorial video & Cyberannual page to
reflect death of Rene Nickel on January 7. Mark Carter's page
revised to reflect his death date.
- January 9, 2013: Update received & posted on Yolanda Jones
- December 6, 2012: Bulletin discussion board removed after
discovering all security precautions had been circumvented &
109 PAGES of spam & hard porn had been posted.
- December 5, 2012: Memorial video and Cyberannual page revised
to reflect news of the death of classmate John Wood on December
- November 16, 2012: Uploaded revision to Jimmy Griffin's page.
- October 31, 2012: Update received & posted on Harwood
(Woody) Jones.
- October 25, 2012: Linked in new gallery, "Messick '69
Gathering 10/16/2012".
- September 17, 2012: Updated Ernie Lancaster's CyberAnnual
page. Updated home page and Reunions page to reflect the
"Messick Class of 1969" gathering on October 16, 2012.
- August 27, 2012: Added link to "Historic Memphis" site to the
Links page.
- July 21, 2012: Update received & posted on Wanda Wardlaw
(Gaines). Memorial video revised to reflect news of the death of
Derryl Foster on July 19.
- June 28, 2012: Added new gallery, "Hangin' Out at Central BBQ
6/25/2012". Also put note under the web counter explaining the
- May 18, 2019: Update received & posted on Martha Jackson
- April 16, 2012: Update received & posted on Nancy Reppond.
- March 29, 2012: Finished large changes to website.
"CyberAnnual" moved to password protected directory. New
simplified "floating" menus installed. Bulletin board found
corrupted beyond repair, uninstalled. Installed new simplified
& stabler bulletin board (not yet set up, just installed).
Debugged website & adjusted links.
- March 27, 2012: Update received and posted on Mike Huddleston.
- March13, 2012: Update received and posted on Mike Summers.
- February 25, 2012: Made small updates to Paula Tyer's page.
- February 7, 2012: Added the "Messick Handbook" in PDF
downloadable format to the website.
- January 31, 2012: Small update (new photo) added from Anna
Margaret Andrews (Perry-Webber).
- January 27, 2012: Updated memorial video to reflect news of
the death of Jimmy Puckett on January 19.
- January 26, 2012: Update received and posted on Patti Vaughan
- November 7, 2011. Update received & posted on Jean Ritter
(Brunson). Information on the Messick Mingle added to the
Reunions page.
- October 20, 2011: New photos added from Anna Margaret Andrews
- October 19, 2011. Additional photo added to Ernie Lancaster's
- Photo added to Tommy May's page.
- Update received & posted on Ernie Lancaster. Pictures
added to page of Nancy Dalton (Hazim).
- Update received & posted on Nancy Dalton (Hazim).
- September 4, 2011: Update received & posted on Karen
Kraehmer (Meyer).
- August 20, 2011: New photo added to pages of David Garrett
& Virginia Shettlesworth (Garrett).
- August 9, 2011: Update received & posted on Dee Ryerson.
- July 27, 2011: Update received & posted on Jimmy Griffin.
- July 26, 2011: Added 6 new additions to the "Messick Memories"
gallery, contributed by Margaret Andrewsc(Perry-Webber). Revised
1969 basketball game to correct the final score.
- July 16, 2011: Added & linked in a recording of the 1969
basketball game between CBHS and Messick. (Contributed by Bruce
- July 1, 2011: Added 4 pictures to the "Messick Memories"
- June 26, 2011: Revised memorial video & cyberannual to
reflect news of the death of Mary Lee Cox.
- May 30, 2011: Added link to info on availability of Messick
T-shirts, decals, etc.
- May 19, 2011: Update received & posted on Richard
- April 30, 2011: Memorial video & site revised to reflect
news of the death of Sherry McCullough.
- April 27, 2011: Added obituary link to Betsy Welting's page,
death dates to Richard Berggren's page.. Updated "Get in Touch"
- April 22, 2011: Revised website & memorial video to
reflect news of the death of Betsy Welting (Childers).
- April 20, 2011: Update received & posted to Paula Tyer's
- April 11, 2011: Recent pictures added to Wilbur Dye's page.
- April 10, 2011. Update received and posted on Wilbur Dye.
- April 1, 2011: Added 2 pictures to Carolyn Ogletree's page.
- March 30, 2011: Update received and posted on Dianah
James (Huckaby) .
- February 28, 2010: Update received and posted on Marilyn Jo
Fite (Akin). Further updates posted on David Garrett
and Virginia Shettlesworth (Garrett) . New pictures added
to the Messick Memories gallery (outtakes from the photo
session in Audubon Park which resulted in our annual title page,
provided by Margaret Andrews). New link added to a 1960's
presentation on the Links page.
- December 21, 2010: Added a rather amazing picture
of Gerald French and his grandmother's sister (Messick '29)
to his CyberAnnual page.
- November 8, 2010: Winter 2010 Messick Mingle publicized on the
- October 30, 2010: Scan of Messick ROTC patch added to Messick
Memories gallery.
- October 24, 2010: Memorial video revised to reflect new of the
death of Pamela Carruthers (on August 26, 2003).
- September 18, 2010: Update received and posted on Marvin
(Dale) Martin.
- July 13, 2010: Update received and posted on Laura Horrell.
- July 11, 2010: Further update received & posted on Steve
- June 30, 2010: Revised memorial video to reflect getting news
that another classmate reported as deceased was alive &
- June 29, 2010: Two new pictures added to the History
page, gift of Shirley Stewart Milford (Messick '51).
- June 27, 2010: Added 9 video clips to the 20th Reunion
- June 20, 2010: Update received and posted on Anna Margaret
Andrews (Perry-Webber).
- June 19, 2010: Addions made to the Messick Memories gallery,
new 20th Reunion gallery added & linked in.
- June 1, 2010: Update received and posted on Steve Maupin.
- May 16, 2010: New pix added to the Messick Memories
Gallery. Thanks, Bruce Wilson!
- May 11, 2010: Update received & posted on Cassandra Wilson
- April 20, 2010: Revised Reunion page to reflect change in
time & place of Class of 1970 reunion.
- April 14, 2010: Messick Memories gallery added to the "Media"
portion of the website.
- April 12, 2010: Link added on the "Links" page to a 2009
Commercial Appeal article which includes a good picture of band
director T. W. Swayzee at 89.
- April 11, 2010: Added "Messick Music" section to the website
(Courtesy of Jean Thweatt Hand). Updates received and posted
for Jean Thweatt (Hand) and Howard Glen Hand.
- April 7, 2010: Revised memorial video on receiving the good
news that Howard Glen Hand was not deceased.
- March 30, 2010: Received & posted update on Joe Miller.
- March 24, 2010: Revised memorial video & CyberAnnual to
reflect news of the death of Sally Spearman.
- March 19, 2010: Revised the memorial video (quickly!) on
learning that one person listed on it was alive & well.
- March 8, 2010: Revised & expanded History page and
added pictures.
- March 5, 2010: Finished installing new navigation menu on
individual CyberAnnual pages. Fixed several bad links found
while checking out the new menu.
- March 4, 2010: Reworked "Get In Touch" web form to get around
new problem caused submitting when no pictures are uploaded
(probably caused by recent server updates).
- March 3, 2010: Update received & posted on Deborah Ann
- March 1, 2010: 1968 annual completed and made available for
download on the website.
- February 28, 2010. Updated Bobby Mullins' page to reflect
his new interim pastorate. Developed & began installing a
new navigation menu for the individual CyberAnnual pages.
- February 8, 2010: Update received & pasted on Donna Lee
Kerbough (Miller). Revised memorial video & CyberAnnual to
reflect news of the death of Don May.
- February 2, 2010: Update received & posted on Vicky Lynn
Smith (Reeves).
- February 1, 2010. Added links to the Messick Class of
1970 page to the links and reunion pages, and provided a
highlighted streamer on our index page pointing there.
- January 28, 2010: Reset the security options on the Discussion
board to require admin review before a registration to post is
activated. (This was in response to the second spam posting on
the board.)
- January 20, 2010: Received word of the death of Kenneth
Hutcherson (in 1993) and revised his CyberAnnual page and the
memorial video.
- January 19, 2010: Revised Larry Newsom's CyberAnnual page
after receiving news of his death (in 1991) from Gerald French.
Updated memorial video.
- January 18, 2010: Update received & posted on Gerald French.
- January 16, 2010: Update received & posted on Bobby
Mullins. Picture added to the 40th Reunion Gallery (courtesy of
Bobby Mullins).
- January 14, 2010: Update received & posted on Peggie
Harvey (Lewter). Reworked the head of the CyberAnnual page to
avoid confusion in submitting updates.
- January 4, 2010: Update received & posted on Debbie
Kirkland (Aimer).
- December 30, 2009: "Redecorated" the page for New Years'
(rather than Christmas).
- December 28, 2009: Update received & posted on Rick
- December 18, 2009: Added PDF version of 1969 annual available
for download on the website.
- December 10, 2009: Further update received & posted for
Jimi Jamison. "Tweaked" navigation menu for better display &
ease of use in non-widescreen monitors.
- December 8, 2009: Update received & posted on Ricky
- December 6, 2009: Update posted on Jimmy (Jimi) Jamison. Song
from Jimi posted on the front page of the website.
- December 1, 2009 Update received & posted on Jesse Garner.
- November 30, 2009: New navigation menu installed for the
- November 23, 2009: Update received & posted on Tommy May.
- November 22,2009: Created & installed new DHTML navigation
bar for site. Took "post-it" & personal website counter off
home page (they were causing conflicts). Added new
rotating current events go-to bar. Added notation on memorial
video regarding possible download delay.
- November 18, 2009: Added an album of 10th reunion pictures
provided by Charlie McGrory & linked it into the "Reunions"
- November 17, 2009: New update received & posted on Janice
- November 10, 2009: Update received & posted on Linda
McGaughey. Privacy policy added to website.
- November 9, 2009: Update received & posted on Janice
Atkins (Mackie). Posted an official privacy policy.
- November 7, 2009: Update received & posted on Charlie
- November 6, 2009: Added a personal web counter, date
indicator, and "post-it" reminder to the homepage.
- November 5, 2009: Updated received & posted on Nancy
Dalton (Hazim).
- November 4, 2009: Added music to memorial tribute.
- November 3, 2009: Updates received and posted on Linda Kay
Roberson (Jackson) and Mike Scott. Revised & enlarged
- November 2, 2009: Linked a video tribute to departed 1969
classmates into the Cyberannual main page.
- October 31, 2009: Update received & posted on Carolyn
Ogletree (Fuller).
- October 28, 2009: Uploaded and linked in a photo album of the
40th reunion to the Reunions page.
Added pictures to Bruce Wilson's page.
- October 27, 2009: Update received and posted on Betty
Whitehead (Johnson).
- October 26, 2009: Updates received & posted onBruce Wilson
and Hershel Don Yancey. Created & posted new web form for
posting updates to the cyberannual.
- October 23, 2009: Updated links page. Posted notice regarding
December 12 "Messick Mingle" page on the the Reunions page.
- October 19, 2009: Update received & posted on Charles
- Octtober 18, 2009: Update received & posted on Mike
- October 17, 2009: Website officially online and publicized.
- October 16, 2009: Website almost "ready to roll". Updated
personal profiles of David Garrett and Virginia Shettlesworth